Welcome to The Jordan Lang Podcast



Wherever you are coming from, thank you! I am so glad that you’ve found this space.

My name is Jordan Lang, and I am an online business manager (OBM) and business strategist. You may be asking yourself, “WTF does that even mean?!” And you’re not alone in wondering…

I’m your back-end manager, helping with setting up systems and strategies, and managing those; I also help with podcast management and overseeing things like: contact with guests + making sure things are streamlined and smooth and running really great back-end.

BASICALLY, I get to nerd out all day ;) watching YouTube tutorials, setting up spreadsheets -- getting to do all the things that I love to do and getting paid to do it. I couldn’t ask for anything better than that. PLUS, I get to work with some of the most incredible conscious business leaders. The work they’re doing is amazing and I’m so grateful to be a part of it and help to support them because it’s making such a positive impact on the collective.

A Bit About Me…

Jordan Lang and her family at the park in the fall of 2020

I live on Osage Nation, Erie, and Kaskaskia land (Ohio, USA). It’s right at an intersection of all 3 peoples’ land.

I’m married to my husband Brian, and we have 3 kids - 12, 9 and 4 ½. I have my hands full, y’all. To be completely honest, I can’t say that I love motherhood all the time. I love my kids always, but I don’t always love everything about being a mom, that’s for sure. (and that’s okay!!)

A few things I love: coffee, reading, hiking, puzzles, and taking naps.

Podcast Setup

I had a download for what I wanted this podcast to look like, how I wanted it to be presented, and my vision for it. Everything unfolded beautifully and perfectly so I really feel that it’s confirmation that the time has come for me to move forward with it.

This is a space to have conversations about things and allow for growth and expansion.

We’re going to be talking about a variety of different things - which is why I named it The Jordan Lang Podcast - because I want to talk about all of the things, not just one main topic. Naming it this way allows me to not get pigeon-holed into one specific thing.

Some of the topics I may not know much about myself, so I’m really excited to be able to have conversations with experts in these fields to be able to grow personally too!

So, let me share some insight into what it’s going to look like and how it’s going to be so that you can have an idea if this is something you want to listen to and be a part of…

The Jordan Lang Podcast will be mainly interviews with different seasons each having a different area of focus. There are currently over 30 topics I want to discuss spanning over 5+ seasons! We’ll be releasing 2 episodes per month - 1st and 3rd week of each month. There will be some solo episodes which will be used as a summary to close/open a season.

Each episode will run Q&A style where the guests will be given questions ahead of time that I will ask. Both audio and video will be recorded for sharing purposes:
• as a podcast episode (listen using the link above OR on iTunes + Spotify)
• here on the blog
• as a YouTube video, with access to subtitles

If you’re thinking, “OMG, that sounds like a lot of work!!” Remember, it’s literally what I do for a living + what I love to do and it gives me energy and excites me! I’m excited at how it’s all coming together!

A Few Things to Note

The Jordan Lang Podcast is going to be super laid back, BUT please know, it’s not for kids. Explicit language in the audio/video is possible, so it’s not recommended for children. If you swear around your kids, that’s fine!! (I do, hehe) Just know that it’s possible, and likely, and therefore, not for kids.

This is a judgement free, safe space for all people. Don’t @ me or anyone else with any hate or bullying. I’ll shut that shit down real quick. This space is here to help you grow and expand, which sometimes that does trigger us, right? If you’re feeling frustrated or angry with something shared, you’ve got to sit with that and ask yourself: Why? What reaction is this causing within me to get me so upset? And really sit with it. Sometimes it’s just shit you’ve got to work through. I’m like that too.

Every feeling we feel is valid. The conversations in this space may make you upset. If you want to talk through it, just email me! Let’s have a conversation about it.

Thank you!

Thank you so much for being here! I’m excited to be on this journey with you.
I hope you have an amazing rest of your day.

Lots of love, xo

jordan lang


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