5 Ways to Shift When you Feel STuck in Your Business

Do you ever feel stuck in your business? You’re trying and trying to see the results you desire, but something just feels…off. It feels hard; there’s resistance and heaviness. No matter what you try, nothing seems to be working.


I’ve personally felt this way many times throughout my time as a business owner. I would force things I thought I should be doing or to implement the latest recommendation from an online business coach I followed on Instagram. I would hustle and grind and berate myself when things just didn’t go as I thought they should be. So many times, I felt stuck and thought there was something wrong with me or that I just wasn’t meant to succeed or that business was just supposed to be HARD.

Things really started to change for me when I realized that I didn’t have to stay stuck. I could shift out of the stuckness and into alignment. Things didn’t have to be difficult - they could be SIMPLE. And in using a few simple processes, I could see the difference in my business from feeling stuck to feeling in alignment and flow.

Here are my suggestions for 5 ways to shift when you feel stuck in you business…

1. GO FOR A WALK! (and get outside)

Break the monotony and create a change of scenery for yourself to begin shifting your mindset. Whether sitting under a tree, standing on your front patio, watching the waves at the beach, or just a walk around town, getting outside allows you to get connected to nature and to the elements around you. Some of my most grounding times are when I’m on a walk in the park next to our home or when I’m sitting on our back patio.

Take a deep breath and really be in the present moment. Look at the way the wind moves the leaves on the trees; the way the birds and animals play; the way the insects move from flower to flower. Everything in rhythm and in sync with their natural flow. There are so many lessons we can learn from being in nature. It doesn’t rush or force. It doesn’t worry or fret. It just is. Each season of nature brings a different aspect to what’s happening and how things flow. It’s all beautiful and easeful.

If you’re feeling stuck, get outside and tap back into Mother Earth’s energy and reconnect with yourself and the present moment.

Questions for self-reflection:
What season of your business are you currently in?
How can you take a step back and bring more flow into your business?
What are you forcing?



Get back into your body and increase your energy flow. I’m personally not overly gifted with great rhythm and dance moves. Hard to believe, I know (upside-down smiley). Even so, I LOVE music and when I’m feeling stuck, moving my body to a favorite song helps to release the stuck energy within and boost my mood. It doesn’t have to be a long, drawn-out event; simply choose 1-2 of your favorite upbeat songs. Put them on as loud as you can and move your body! Don’t think about it. Don’t question it. Just move it and shake it!

You’ll feel amazing and energized after moving all of that stuck energy!

Not sure what to listen to?
Check out my Spotify Playlist with some of my favorites!

Questions for post-dance party self-reflection:
How am I feeling after getting my energy flowing?
How has moving my body helped me mentally and emotionally?
What messages and downloads are coming through?
What would it look like for me if I added dance parties more regularly into my schedule?



Tap back into why you’re doing what you’re doing and HOW you want to do it. Sometimes we can get so hyper focused on the DOING aspect of our business that we’ve forgotten the VISION that started it all in the first place. Often we can feel stuck when we think that we’re not where we think we should be, and so when I get too in my head on all of the shoulds, I like to revisit my vision. I get grounded with a few deep breaths, reconnecting with my body and then I look at my business vision. I ask myself if this vision still feels in alignment and wait for my body to respond.

If it still feels good in my body, I then begin some self-inquiry into why I may be feeling stuck:
Am I in comparison?
Am I forcing something that just isn’t working?
Am I following my energy-type? Is something going on personally that I’m ignoring or not giving focused energy to?

From there, I make adjustments as needed, always giving myself grace and love.

If it doesn’t feel good in my body, I begin crafting a new vision for my business:
What does it look like?
What do I want to be doing?
How do I want to feel?
What impact would I like to make and why?

I rewrite the vision for my business to align with my current Self. Sometimes we feel stuck because we’ve outgrown the vision created by who we used to be. Take some time here and really dive into this new vision and from there, implement new systems and strategies to help support you on your journey.



Gain an outside perspective and allow them to help give you insights and make suggestions for adjustment if needed. Sometimes we’re a bit too close to a situation and can’t see the big picture; sometimes it takes just a bit of outside perspective that makes all the difference. In talking with your mentor or coach, you’re able to have that second set of eyes taking a peek at things with a fresh view.

As a Projector, I’m often this person for other people; but there are lots of times when I need this support as well. If something I’m working on just doesn’t seem to be working, or I can’t seem to figure out why what I’m doing isn’t translating into the results I’m looking for, I reach out to one of my mentors for a fresh outlook and ask for insight or feedback on what I can shift or pivot.

If you don’t currently have a mentor or coach you can connect with, see if your business bestie or close friend/family member (whom you trust and have a good relationship with!) can help give you this insight.

Questions for self-reflection:
Who can I connect with for an outside, fresh perspective?
Am I open to receiving this feedback without self-judgment?
What is one simple way I can begin to implement the feedback they’ve given me?



Quiet the nose and reconnect to self. This is probably one of the most important and my favorite go-to when I’m feeling stuck in my business. It can be implemented with each of the above suggestions or as a stand-alone way to help shift. Unplugging from social media and the noise helps you recenter and reclaim your personal power. It helps you to come back to yourself and back into the present moment. It shuts out what everyone else is doing, allowing for reduction of comparison and feeling like you have to “keep up” with the latest trends and what everyone else is doing. It allows you to tap back into your joy and what’s truly important in your life.

I’d encourage you to sit with the discomfort of unplugging. Because we all have a tendency towards addiction to our devices and social media, it can be incredibly difficult - at first. The more you sit with the discomfort and detox, the more you’ll feel your body shift into a more easeful state. You’ll see great benefits to unplugging and will (hopefully) begin to make it part of your weekly/monthly routine.

Questions for self-reflection:
How does it feel to unplug and disconnect?
What are some ways I’m going to nourish myself during this time?
How can I begin to incorporate regular times of unplugging during my week and/or month?
What benefits did I notice during this time?


There are many more ways you can shift when you’re feeling stuck within your business, but these are my personal go-tos! Remember that you don’t have to keep going, keep forcing, keep hustling within your business. If you’re feeling stuck, that’s a sign that there’s something out of alignment, whether it’s an internal misalignment with ignoring your feelings or emotions in your body or external with a system and strategy that’s just not working for you.

You don’t have to continue on with feeling stuck! Try one of these suggestions or reach out! I’d love to connect with you
via email or Instagram DM to chat more.

Sending you lots of love!

jordan lang xo


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