An Introduction to Season 1: Mental + Emotional Wellness

The Jordan Lang Podcast: Episode 01

The Jordan Lang Podcast: Episode 01

Content Warning: Mental Health + Mentions of Suicidal Ideation

In this first episode of The Jordan Lang Podcast, I want to give you an overview of what to expect during Season 1, what we’re going to be diving into and what the main focus is going to be. Within each season, I want to focus on a specific topic or overall area of focus.

— Amusing aside: you may hear my children in the background from time-to-time within the episodes. If you hear shouting or squealing in the background, it’s just my kiddos ;) We’re still in the middle of the Covid Pandemic (this episode was recorded in Feb 2021). Bear with me as we move through this together, giving ourselves as much grace as we possibly can.

Season 1

This first season will be focused on Emotional and Mental Wellness. The episodes within this season are going to be devoted to different aspects of taking care of of ourselves.

The inner creates the outer - the things you experience inwardly are then expressed outwardly. I often hear the phrase, “fake it until you make it,” but I feel like this only takes us so far. If we have a bunch of shit inside that we’ve not yet dealt with or we’re not really even aware of, we won’t be able to get too far without healing from these things. In fact, we may continue to experience hardships or repeat the same patterns over and over again until we face them.

I was with an MLM for nearly seven years, and I often told myself, “I’m going to fake it until I make it,” or “I’ll just act ‘As If’ I already have it.” I believe the Law of Attraction is totally a real thing, so while these practices were great, I had A LOT of inner things I hadn’t yet worked through that were creating roadblocks. Things like money mindset, scarcity mindset, and not feeling good enough or worthy enough…

Acting “as if” didn’t work for me. Faking it until I make it didn’t work for me. This is because there were things within my emotional and mental health and wellness that needed to be addressed before I could see success.

We have to do the work within in order to be able to see that outward growth. This doesn’t mean you’re never going to see outward growth, but you’re more likely to come across the same roadblocks and repeat the same cycles until you face and heal from those things that are causing you those inner struggles.

A bit of background…

I grew up within Evangelical Christianity (this is a whole different topic for a different day, hehe), where feelings such as anger, fear, and “selfishness” were considered BAD emotions and BAD feelings. You wanted to stay away from those things. Feelings like joy, happiness, and “unselfishness",” those were GOOD emotions, and you wanted to feel those things.

Around 5th-6th grade (age 11-12), I really began to struggle with depression. As I got older, things became more and more real and serious. I was experiencing suicidal ideations along with my depression, and I wasn’t able to receive the support that I needed because depression was a BAD emotion. It wasn’t until I became an adult now aged 35 that I’ve begun to receive the support that I needed and to heal. I realized that a lot of the things that have come up for me are all repeated patterns and circumstances that I’ve literally been experiencing for 20+ years.

As I began to step away from those things and began to focus on healing myself from the inside-out, I began learning to love myself fully, completely, wholly. Wholly me. I am perfect exactly the way that I am, and there’s nothing wrong with me.

I didn’t learn that until I began focusing on my mental and emotional wellbeing; I focused on feeling all my feelings and not dismissing the “bad” feelings. Let’s be honest, there are no good or bad feelings. All are valid and part of our experience. I then also began to receive the support that I desperately needed, and to know that I’m not broken and there’s nothing wrong with me.

Why are we starting here?

I feel like focusing on emotional and mental wellness as a base for this podcast starting off is important because in my own experience the inner creates the outer in terms of success in life and in my business. When I was putting my list of topics and folks I wanted to chat with together, I felt the pull and draw to touch on this first before we go into anything else.

In order for us to truly make a positive impact on the collective, on the world, and with others, we have to first take care of ourselves and make sure that we’re getting what we need. It’s not selfish to take care of yourself. It’s not selfish to make sure that your needs are met first.

I was in a pretty low place last night and was sharing with my husband that there are SO many things going on in the world that I desperately want to help with…and there’s this element of guilt and shame that I’m not able to do that as fully as I want to sometimes. I have to focus on my mental health and my emotional wellbeing right now, because honestly, some days it’s all I can do just to make sure that I’m able to take care of my kids. This doesn’t mean that I don’t care what’s going on in the world, it just means that we have to take care of ourselves in order to positively and effectively help care for others.

To wrap things up…

My hope for this first season is that it will allow you to feel seen, heard, loved and supported. Some of these topics you may have either never been exposed to (depending on your background) or maybe never really thought about because do don’t often allow ourselves to go down that inner healing path, right? A lot of times the focus is on physical wellness — are you eating the right way? are you physically active? etc. There’s nothing wrong with that; physical wellness is great and needed, but I feel like we often gloss over emotional and mental wellness, so I truly feel like this is a great place to begin.

Moving forward in this first season, please note that none of the episodes or topics are meant to diagnose or take the place of a medial professional. Please seek help and support if you need it; there is no shame in this.

I will be providing content and trigger warnings as needed for these different episodes. If we’re touching on a specific topic, please know the warning will be made available to you in the notes and social graphics as well. We don’t always know when something may come up within ourselves, so it’s super important to have these warnings.

That’s the intro to Season 1 and the upcoming episodes! We’re diving deep to start off. There’s no fluff and starting off gently and slowly ;) I want to dive right into these important topics. I’m excited and honored to be able to speak with these guests. Their knowledge is incredible and I can’t wait to share the information with each of you.

Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for your love and support. I’m grateful for each of you listening and being here.

Sending you lots of love, xo

jordan lang


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