Introduction to Season 2: Conscious Business

The Jordan Lang Podcast. Episode 10: Introduction to Season 2.

The Jordan Lang Podcast: Episode 10

Hello and welcome to the Jordan Lang Podcast. I am your host, Jordan Lang, and this is the start of season 2 where we will be discussing Conscious Business. Thank you for being here. I had intended for this season of the podcast to be a lot earlier than it is. Here we are now launching the episodes beginning of March 2022, and there's been quite a bit of time between Season 1 and Season 2. and honestly, I think it worked out beautifully, because I really wanted to give this season my fullest energy, and just as much intention as possible.

Season 2 Introduction

So I am really excited to be sharing this season with you, with the conversations that are gonna be in the season are with some of the most incredible humans, and we're diving into conscious business and initially when I had thought about this season - this was last year 2021 - I had a bit of a different idea of how I thought this season was gonna go. I thought I was gonna be chatting with several of my friends and those within my network to discuss conscious business and what it means to them, and how they incorporated it into their own business.

While yes, that is still going to be a big part of the focus for this season, I really kept getting called back to de-centering whiteness, especially in this business space and the word “conscious” has become another sort of buzzword, another popular term and description to throw around, especially within spiritual spaces, and I would like to flip the script on all of that, and have a view that is not centering whiteness.

So I'm excited for what this season is going to bring, and the conversations that are going to be shared. They're just gonna be incredible and I really hope that they are going to allow you to shift the way that you view your business, shift the way that you practice certain aspects of your business, and just really allow you to view things from a different lens.

And there may be times that you feel uncomfortable. There may be times that you feel maybe a bit…I don't like using the word triggered. You, you might feel a bit just this discomfort that comes from being challenged, from having your ways of doing things kind of turned on its head and looked at from a different perspective.

“I really encourage you to come into these episodes and these conversations with an open heart and an open mind, and with a willingness to learn, and to expand, and to really gain just knowledge on Conscious Business.” - Jordan Lang

So really do hope that that is what you do when you listen to these episodes, and I'm just so honored and so grateful to be able to be having these conversations.

Total Transparency

For me, quite honestly, there is this part of me that feels shame around how I have practiced my business in a nonconscious way, and a non-ethical way in the past, and big part of me that feels almost nervous to be having these conversations with these incredible humans who are bringing so much wisdom and insight and truth that needs to be shared. So I've shared with each of the guests before we begin the conversation, before we record, that if I say something that is ignorant or that's harmful or just not okay, to call me out on it, and to to hold me accountable, so that I can continue learning and growing in this area.

It's often uncomfortable for me to sit with all of these different ways of thinking, because that's not how I was raised, that's not how I was taught, but I'm here to change that, and I hope that if you are listening in, you are open to to learning and shifting and growing and changing with me.

To wrap things up…

I’m very excited to have you here. Thank you so much for tuning in and for listening. I'm excited to chat with you more on Conscious Business in this new season of The Jordan Lang Podcast. Sending you lots of love!

jordan lang xo


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