Season 1 Recap + Reflections

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The Jordan Lang Podcast: Episode 08

Content Warning: Discussion of Religious Trauma

Welcome back to the Jordan Lang Podcast! This is the final episode of season one and I'm just going to do a recap of the episodes that we have had so far this season, share a personal reflection, and give you an idea of where we're going next.

Episode Recap

I wanted to share an overview of the episodes that we've had this season, along with the amazing guests that we've had so if you have not been listening since the start of season you can go back and check them out! Which I highly recommend that you do! We've had some really great conversations with some really great humans and I am just so grateful to have had these chats and been able to share this information. I just I feel like I can't say enough about these episodes and conversations that were had over the last several months. They've all just had such an amazing positive impact on so many different people.

Episode 01 | An Introduction to Season 1: Mental and Emotional Wellness
We're going to start all the way back at the beginning…I did do an intro episode sharing, why I chose to begin the podcast with this series, and so I'm again just so grateful to have been able to bring you this information and all of these topics under the umbrella of mental and emotional wellness and health because I really do believe that it all begins there. We can focus on our outer, physical health all that we want, but if we're not healthy on the inside - mind, body, soul, as a holistic approach - and we're just focusing on our physical body, we're not going to be well and healthy overall as a as an individual. I really do believe that in order for the shift to happen, it does begin within each and every one of us. That's why I wanted to start off the season with a basic overview of why I wanted to begin here.

Episode 02 | Spiritual Therapy with Chelsie Skowyra
Episode 03 | Shadow Work with Chelsie Skowyra
Chelsie and I did a two-part episode to start off our round of interview; the first episode was on Spiritual Therapy and the second was on Shadow Work. Shadow work has been such an incredible impact in my life. It sounds scary, but it’s totally not! It’s when you are hiding those pieces of you in the shadows that you don't really want to bring to light, but it is important for you to bring those things to light to heal and to grow.

Episode 04 | Trauma Informed Coaching with Emmy Marie
Then we moved into Trauma Informed Coaching with Emmy Marie, and omg, seriously check out this episode because it’s so great! It’s an overview of the work that Emmy does, what it means to be a Trauma Informed Coach, what the work entails, why it's important, and lots more! So please do go and check out episode 04.

Episode 05 | Sobriety and Mental Health with Mei McIntosh
From there we had a great conversation on Sobriety and Mental Health with Mei McIntosh. Mei and I go back many years, and I'm just so grateful to have had this conversation with them and bring this topic to light on sobriety. We just had a really great conversation which may not be exactly what you think is going to be about. There's a lot of talk on the spiritual benefits to sobriety, so you definitely want to check it out!

Episode 06 | Conscious Relationships with Cassandra Solano
From there, we shifted into a conversation on Conscious Relationships with Cassandra Solano. They have so many great pieces of advice on what a Conscious Relationship looks like, how to begin facilitating one, and so much more! You want to give this episode a listen as well!

Episode 07 | Honest Motherhood with Kristine McGlinchey
We wraped things up with the interviews on a conversation of Honest Motherhood with Kristine McGlinchey. I feel like this is a series within itself that will probably be coming eventually, because as a mom of three, it is something that I don't feel is talked about enough of how hard motherhood is, that we're all just doing the best that we can, and it's okay if it's not all flowers and butterflies for you. If you are struggling to enjoy motherhood, you're not alone. It’s totally normal feel that way so make sure you check out that conversation and there will be more of that coming up in future seasons.

I’m so grateful for each of the guests who gave their time and their energy into having these conversations with me, and being able to share their expertise with all of you. So a massive THANK YOU these guests. Please do make sure you check out all previous episodes and the corresponding blog, blog posts that go along with them. Reach out to the guests for further support and if you have any questions or want to work with them.

Personal Reflections

I wanted to share some personal reflections that I took from this season. I listened to the playback of all of my episodes to pull quotes, to put together the blog posts, and to do all of that fun behind the scenes thing things [and yes I do mean fun because this is literally my job and I love doing this for for myself and for my clients!!] Listening back, I found a very common theme that came up in every single episode, and if you tuned in to all of the episodes up to this point you may have noticed that in every single one, in every single episode, I talked about how I grew up in an Evangelical Christian household, and how that affected me impacted me based on whichever conversation we were talking about. So, obviously, that is something that I still need to focus on healing that aspect of my mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

I’m 35, so I am literally unpacking three decades worth of trauma - religious trauma - and it's a lot. Just last week, I was working on a podcast edit for a client, and the individual on there was talking about their faith and the church and “the message” and everything else…and I got SO triggered. I had to stop working. I had like a very real, physical reaction; I started feeling really anxious, my breathing became uneven. It was wild. I did not expect that to happen. I've been doing a lot of inner work on this on this topic and in this area. And so, to have had that very real very physical reaction was surprising to me.

All of that being said, the very next day, I did reach out to a therapist who specializes in religious trauma, and I have a session set up with them. That's going to be an ongoing thing that I continue because it's obviously a theme.

It just goes to show that no matter where you are in life, no matter the season of life, no matter what area, there's ALWAYS room for healing and there's always room for personal reflection and healing to take place.

I want to encourage you: if you're struggling with something, if something's coming up and it's a theme that you're noticing that's pretty common in all areas, or if you're feeling triggered by certain things or situations or circumstances, I do highly recommend that you find a therapist who specializes in that, so that they can provide you with a safe, supportive space for you to heal and grow The main thing is to be able to heal ourselves and these pieces of us, especially as millennials. I really feel like we've got a lot of collective trauma to unpack in order to make a positive collective shift and change. We need to do that inner work and that goes back to the conversation with Chelsea Skowyra on Shadow Work and and doing the hard things, but in a supportive safe space. So if that’s you, I highly recommend that you seek support from a therapist.

I am not by any means a specialist or I hold any degrees in this area, so that's why you're always going to hear me recommending that you find a specialist who knows what you need and how to provide that for you in a safe way.

Where are we going from here?

Lastly, I want to share where the podcast is going to be going from here. I have decided to take a hiatus until quarter four of 2021. The reason being, my kids are still home from school for summer break and I just don't have the capacity to take care of them and grow my business and do the podcast on top of it. I want to be able to have these conversations with my guests and be able to really give it my all. So until my kiddos are in school - mid August + beginning of September - I'm going to I'm going to take that time to be able to really map things out, schedule those interviews and be able to come back and quarter four of 2021 with some really great episodes for all of you!

I had planned initially to continue on with the theme of wellness, shifting from mental and emotional wellness into physical wellness, but that doesn’t seem to be in alignment at this time. So season two is going to be all about Conscious Business and this is something I'm super passionate about. I am so excited for the guests that I have in mind to have these conversations with. They're all incredible and I really feel like this is an area that needs to be talked about even more.

We're going to have conversations, such as ethical pricing, ethical marketing, what is a conscious business owner, and more! Different conversations like that are going to be had and will include such great information. If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur especially, you're going to want to check out season two coming quarter four of 2021. It will still be the Q&A style with guests and conversations, along with a corresponding blog post and YouTube video for each episode.

To wrap things up…

Thank you, thank you, thank you for listening and supporting Season One of The Jordan Lang Podcast. I am so grateful for each and every one of you for listening or watching or reading the blog post —however you take in this information and these conversations, Thank you for being a part of this.

Sending you lots of love, xo

jordan lang


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